When People Hate Paris, Episode 210

Paris on a foggy and dreary day: When people hate Paris Episode

Some people hate Paris, but there again, some people are never happy. What are the haters not understanding about Paris? It's all in today's episode!

The Vibe of Paris Neighborhoods, Episode 199

Sunset over Notre Dame de Paris: vibe of paris neighborhoods

How carefully should you choose what neighborhood to stay in Paris? Are they all that different? What about safety and convenience? It's all in today's episode of the podcast!

12 Perfect Spots for a Picnic in Paris, Episode 190

people having a picnic in paris at the Luxembourg Gardens

What are the best places to have a picnic in Paris? Is it OK to open a bottle of wine in a park in Paris? Where are the best places to get your picnic foods? It's all in today's episode!

Visiting Paris in August, Episode 188

Artitst painting Paris while standing on the pont des arts: visiting paris in august episode

On today’s episode, Annie and Elyse chat about the pitfalls and joys of visiting Paris in August. Things are different in Paris in the summer months and we review them all in this episode of the podcast!

10 Things to Do in Paris for First Time Visitors, Episode 179

the eiffel tower at night seen from paris rooftops; things to do in paris

What are the best things to do in Paris for first time visitors? What are the must-see attractions? Paris is a large city, you don't have a month, what can you leave off? How do you see it all without exhausting yourself? How do you tour Paris the smart way?

Secrets to Finding an Apartment in Paris, Episode 153

Paris seen from the rooftops with quaint apartment houses

Finding an apartment for rent in Paris can be a frustrating proposition. But Phil has done it several times and has come up with an excellent method that he shares in this episode of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast.

Paris Metro or Paris Bus? Episode 142

bus in Paris: paris bus or paris metro? what is best? : episode

In Paris, is it better to take the Metro or the Bus? What's easiest and fastest? Learn what locals know by listening to this episode!

Paris on a Budget, Episode 141

You're happy to be going to Paris but don't want to go into debt over it? This is the episode you need to listen to!

Paris Packing List, Episode 137

vintage suitcase with blue scarf and old camera on top

Are you wondering about fashion faux-pas in Paris? This episode is exactly what you need! This is also where you will find Annie's terrific packing list.

The Orangerie Museum in Paris, Episode 136

Visitors at the Orangerie Museum in Paris, overview of one of the museum rooms

The Orangerie Museum in Paris is not on everybody's top list, but should it be? Let's talk about it so you can decide if it'll be a good one for you!