Visiting Paris Using a Wheelchair, Episode 109

The inside of Notre Dame Cathedral with a wheelchair user in the center isle

You might think that life is so complicated for wheelchair users that that they would rather stay home and not look for complications in France. But it is not so! Wheelchair travel is getting more and more common, even in France.

Food Markets in Paris, Episode 108

Emily Dilling at the food market in Paris

The Best of Sète, Episode 107

Canal in Sète: the best of Sète episode

You want to see the Mediterranean and not spend your whole vacation budget in two days? Keep reading and listening, the Best of Sète is for you!

6 Day Trips from Paris, Episode 106

six day trips from Paris: Mont Saint Malo

Ready to venture out of Paris for a day-trip? There are so many possibilities! My guest on today's podcast has done many such day-trips from Paris and explains how you can do it too!

Tips for Visiting Montpellier, France, Episode 105

Arc de triomphe in Montpellier: Tips for Visiting Montpellier, France episode

The lovely city of Montpellier is one of the most vibrant in France and it has a lot going for it: close to the Mediterranean, lovely weather, a major University, and amazing food and wine. You owe it to yourself to visit and Annie and Elyse tell you why in this episode!

One Action-Packed Week in Paris Trip Report, Episode 104

Sergio and Nicolas with the Eiffel Tower in the background: Action-Packed Week in Paris Episode

How much can you pack into one week in Paris? How ambitious can you get? Sergio shares his experience and it turns out you can do and see a lot!

The Rodin Museum in Paris, Episode 102

The Thinker at the Rodin Museum in Paris

This newly-renovated museum is such a wonderful showcase for Rodin's work! Even people who don't love museums tend to enjoy the Rodin museum because the gardens are really pleasant and it's not super crowded most days. Bust is it for you? Listen and decide!

Trip Report on Normandy and Paris, Episode 101

views from Normandy and Paris: trip report normandy episode

Going abroad for the first time can be intimidating. But my guest on today's episode had such a great time that she wanted to share her experiences. For her first trip she went to Normandy and then to Paris and it was a great introduction to the country.

Lourdes, Episode 100

Sanctuary and statue of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes

Lourdes is considered to be one of the most important pilgrimage places for the Catholic church today, but what it is like when you go?

The Saint Vincent Tournante Burgundy Wines Festival, Episode 98

Burgundy countryside with vineyard: burgundy wines episode

Very few things are more French than wine festivals. Especially wine festivals in the Burgundy region. Learn how you can experience one of the oldest wine festivals in France with local guide Kelly Kamborian!