A Brief History of the Chemin de Compostelle, Episode 390

The Church of the Virgin in Le Puy en Velay: Chemin de Compostelle episode

How much do you know about the Chemin de Compostelle aka Camino? Have you walked it? Walking the way of Saint James is more and more popular as more and more people turn to active vacations in France.

Classic French Recipes with a Vegan Twist, Episode 389

Sarala Terpstra shopping in France: Classic French Recipes with a Vegan Twist Episode

Annie Sargent and Sarala Terpstra geek out about French food and how to make it vegan. Tips for home cooks and vegan visitors who love trench food. #joinusinfrance

The Crusade Against the Cathars, Episode 388

The walled city of Carcassonne: crusade against the Cathars episode

In this episode of the podcast, Annie and Elyse talk about the crusade against the Cathars and how it led to Occitanie becoming part of France

Cathar Beliefs and Lifestyle, Episode 387

Monségur, a major Cathar site: Cathar beliefs and lifestyle episode

An episode about Cathar theology and what led these people to choose violent death rather than renounce their beliefs

7 Day Trips from Paris, Episode 386

Auvers-sur-Oise church: 7 day trips from Paris on public transportation

7 day trips from Paris on public transportation: Rambouillet, Auvers-sur-Oise, Fontainebleau, Saint-Cloud, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Provins, Versailles

The Shocking History of Saint Denis Basilica, Episode 381

Saint Denis Basilica stained glass windows

Saint Denis Basilica, a place of beauty and of genuinely revolting history. Click play, it's all in this episode of the podcast!

Celebrating 400 years of Molière, Episode 379

The Richelieu theater at the Comédie Françaose: Celebrating Molière episode

In 2022 we are celebrating 400 years of Molière's birth. Have you ever watched a Molière play? How do you think he compares with Shakespeare?

A Leisurely Trip Through France, Episode 374

A hilly French countryside with a vineyard in the foreground: A Leisurely Trip Through France episode

Do you ever wish you could take a leisurely trip through France? Where would you go? Carl shares great ideas because he's done it often!

A Brief History of French Porcelain, Episode 373

Tea pot that says Lavande: a brief history of porcelain in France episode

A brief history of French porcelain and the cities in France that got involved in porcelain manufacturing. Collectors, this one is for you!

The Paris Bookseller, Episode 371

Shakespeare & Comapny and Kerri Maher: The Paris Bookstore Episode

The Paris Bookseller, the amazing story of Shakespeare & Company, the iconic bookstore in Paris, an interview with the author Kerri Maher.