French Alps and Provence Tours, Episode 59

Montagne Sainte-Victoire with snow on it: French Alps and Provence Tours episode

Is it a good idea to visit the French Alps and Provence on the same visit? Cynthia used to offer tours that include both and she explains why that's a great idea. So, where exactly should you go? Let's talk about it!

Napoleon in Paris, Episode 58

The Carroussel du Louvre in Paris: Napoleon in Paris Episode

Hoping to see some of the landmarks Napoleon left in Paris? Tour guide Ariane tells us about the places you should not miss in today's episode.

Burgundy Region and Wine, Episode 57

Bridge in Dijon, Burgundy. Burgundy Region and Wine Episode

Burgundy is world famous for its amazing wines, but it's also at the epicenter of French history and culture. We explore the area with American expat Kelly Kamborian who is a registered tour guide in the area and loves the place.

Cruise Tours in Provence, Episode 56

Beach near Cassis, France: cruise tours in provence episode

What if you're a local from Provence and you take cruise visitors around to show them the best of home? Where do you take them? Véronique and Annie chat about it and make suggestions you can use even if you're not arriving in Provence on a cruise ship!

Visiting France with a Guide Dog for the Blind, Episode 55

A womand and her guide dog walking through the streets of La Turbie in Provence

Today on Join Us in France we take a side trip into the wonderful world of guide dogs for the blind with Richard Wadwell, an Englishman and guide dog owner and who comes to France many times each year with his guide dog Ralph. Richard talks about what it's like having a guide dog and shares wonderful tips on visiting France with or without a guide dog, in particular the Limoges area and Aix-en-Provence. And if you're like me and you have great admiration for guide dogs and the work they do, this conversation will give you a glimpse into this amazing world.

Lavender Fields and Hidden Provence, Episode 54

So much beauty in Provence! Local tour guide Jean-François Sénéchal chats with Annie about the places he likes to take his customers so they can enjoy Provence to the fullest. Listen to his secrets in this episode!

From Ballet to Cabaret in Paris, Episode 53

creative montage of the eiffel tower, grand palais, la défense and a dancer in the foreground

A history of Paris seen through the lens of dance and dance halls in France

Cycling in France with Marion Clignet, Episode 52

group of cyclists during the Tour de France

Today we talk about competitive and recreational cycling in France with lots of recommendations on where to go in the Pyrenees for cycling, running, show-shoeing, walking in these gorgeous mountains, and how you'd go about arranging for such a trip.

Secularism and Free Speech in France, Episode 51

leaves covering a forest path with beautiful golden light

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, Annie asks why is secularism so important in France.

How to Stay Safe in France, Episode 50

The terrible attacks of January 7th in France have left us wondering what are some things we can do to stay safe while visiting France. Here are some tips.