Will my Credit Card Work in France? Episode 99

Things you need to do before you take off for France to make sure your credit cards will work as expected.
Making Sense of Terror Attacks in France, Episode 92

In today's episode Patrick Beja and Annie try to make sense of terror attacks in France and put them in historical perspective.
Bus Transportation in France, Episode 75

Thinking about taking regional buses in France? Here's what you need to know!
When Is the Best Time to Visit France? Episode 74

Friends often ask when is the best time to visit France. Many answers are possible, but we vote for June and we tell you why in this episode.
Visiting France with a Guide Dog for the Blind, Episode 55

Today on Join Us in France we take a side trip into the wonderful world of guide dogs for the blind with Richard Wadwell, an Englishman and guide dog owner and who comes to France many times each year with his guide dog Ralph. Richard talks about what it's like having a guide dog and shares wonderful tips on visiting France with or without a guide dog, in particular the Limoges area and Aix-en-Provence. And if you're like me and you have great admiration for guide dogs and the work they do, this conversation will give you a glimpse into this amazing world.
Road Trip in France, Episode 25

Ever wanted to take a road trip in France? What is it like? What will you see? What if you want to camp? It's all in today's episode!
The Rules of Driving in France, Episode 16

Is it safe for visitors to rent a car and drive in France? In episode 16 of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast we discuss driving in France and help you decide if you're ready to take on French roads and French drivers. We give you tips on what to look out for, explain a few things that might surprise you when driving in France, and crush some preconceived ideas. We also share three graphics that will help you make sense of French road signs. It's easy once you have some information! For more go to joinusinfrance.com/18
Store Hours and Credit Cards in France, Episode 10

The things you need to know about credit cards and store hours in France. In episode 10 of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast we discuss store hours and credit cards in France: work hours, lunch-time, closing time, etc. Also, we talk about what you will and will not find at a pharmacy in France. And what about credit cards? Which ones work in France? How do you buy gas in France without a chip credit card? This is the episode you need to listen to so you can prepare for a hassle-free trip to France. For photos and show notes go to joinusinfrance.com/10