Quick and Easy Guide to Public Transportation in France: Trains, Buses + Metros, Episode 223

Cité métro station in central Paris: public transportation in france episode

Our quick and easy guide to using public transportation in France. We explain the Paris Metro, RER and Bus systems. But what about the different types of trains in France? Best ways to buy tickets and great travel Apps? All in today's episode!

How to Capture the Best Vacation Photos, Episode 220

Boy and girl playing with dead leaves in the Tuileries garden: vacation photos episode

26 tips to take great vacation photos

Your First Time in Europe, Episode 213

Hotels do things are a little bit differently in Europe. This episode lists 10 things you need to be warned about so you're prepared and have a great time.

When People Hate Paris, Episode 210

Paris on a foggy and dreary day: When people hate Paris Episode

Some people hate Paris, but there again, some people are never happy. What are the haters not understanding about Paris? It's all in today's episode!

Do's and Don'ts at Restaurants in France, Episode 209

Blackboard menu and restaurant terrasse in the background

What does it take to get great restaurant service in France? It's pretty simple: some cultural awareness goes a long way and it's all in today's episode!

Moving to France on a Long Stay Visitor Visa, Episode 208

two retired women riding their bicycles in the French countryside

Young retirees explain how they moved to France recently. There were few bumps in the road because they followed the formula they share on today's episode!

Best Paris Airport Transfer: TAXI, Episode 202

Paris street with taxi: Best Paris Airport Transfer

What is the best way to get between the airport and the city in Paris? What are the best Paris airport transfer? Annie compares them in today's episode.

What to Pack to Look Stylish in Paris, Episode 195

how to look stylish in paris: man wearing a fitted blue v-neck t-shirt, woman wearing a shirt with geometrical patters and a cross body bag

Wondering how to look good while visiting France? In this episode we discuss several simple steps you can take that will work even when living out of a suitcase!

Moving to France on a Long Stay Tourist Visa, Episode 192

the city of Estaing in the Aveyron: river and medieval bridge

Thinking about moving to France? Maybe you could do it on a long stay tourist visa just like Claire and her husband did. We discuss what it took and get into what it felt like in this conversation.

Train Strikes in France, 2018 Edition, Episode 189

ticket machines at the train station in Limoges

There's been a long train strike every year in France since 1945. How do you deal with it?