Berthe Morisot an Artist who Defied Conventions, Episode 414

Berthe Morisot was an artist who defied conventions in France and developed her own distinctive style. Click play to hear why she was so good!
Rosa Bonheur, the Artist Who Wore Pants, Episode 396

Rosa Bonheur was the artist who dared wear pants when it wasn't proper for a woman to do so. Her life and work are amazing!
Famous Painters in Nice, Episode 357

On this episode Annie and Elyse discuss famous painters in Nice and the museums dedicated to them where you can see Matisse and Chagall's work.
Le Corbusier Sites in Paris, Episode 292

Do you think a home should be a machine for living? Le Corbusier did! And he built a lot of interesting sites in Paris that art and architecture fans will want to see. He is also a controversial person, and not just about his architecture. Let's talk about it!
Famous Stained-Glass Windows in France, Episode 216

Where are the best stained-glass windows in France? We list them in today's episode.
Le Corbusier Architecture, Episode 139

How the Marais Neighborhood Was Almost Razed, Episode 103

Everybody loves the Marais neighborhood in Paris today, but at one time it was on the chopping block to make room for a monstrosity. How did that happen?
Art Nouveau in France, Episode 97

Thinking about seeing some Art Deco while in Paris? You're in luck, Elyse tells us all about it on today's episode.
Notre Dame Architecture, Episode 5

In episode 5 of the Join Us in France Travel Podcast Elyse gives us a description of all the things you can see in Notre Dame de Paris Catheral from an archituctural perspective. Innovations of Notre Dame, the art you will see there, stained glass windows, chimeras and gargoyles, general information on medieval architecture and the language of church statues. For photos and show notes go to