Vauban Fortifications in France, Episode 425

In this episode of the podcast, Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin discuss Vauban. His life, his work, things he's not so famous for that make him a great human being #vauban, #military, #fortifications, #history, #france, #podcast
The Life and Times of Jean-François Champollion, Episode 416

Jean-François Champollion was obsessed with ancient languages and was the first to read hieroglyphics. Annie and Elyse talk about his life.
Berthe Morisot an Artist who Defied Conventions, Episode 414

Berthe Morisot was an artist who defied conventions in France and developed her own distinctive style. Click play to hear why she was so good!
Eleanor of Aquitaine, a Tumultuous Life, Episode 412

In this episode of the podcast we discuss the tumultuous life of Eleanor of Aquitaine, her desire to rule and long struggle for power.
A Brief History of the Tour de France, Episode 394

Do you love the Tour de France? Let's talk about its history and share practical information on how to enjoy the Tour while visiting France.
A Brief History of the Chemin de Compostelle, Episode 390

How much do you know about the Chemin de Compostelle aka Camino? Have you walked it? Walking the way of Saint James is more and more popular as more and more people turn to active vacations in France.
The Crusade Against the Cathars, Episode 388

In this episode of the podcast, Annie and Elyse talk about the crusade against the Cathars and how it led to Occitanie becoming part of France
Cathar Beliefs and Lifestyle, Episode 387

An episode about Cathar theology and what led these people to choose violent death rather than renounce their beliefs
The Shocking History of Saint Denis Basilica, Episode 381

Saint Denis Basilica, a place of beauty and of genuinely revolting history. Click play, it's all in this episode of the podcast!
A Brief History of French Porcelain, Episode 373

A brief history of French porcelain and the cities in France that got involved in porcelain manufacturing. Collectors, this one is for you!