A Multi-Generational Trip to Normandy and Brittany, Episode 242

Multi-Generational Trip to Normandy and Brittany

Going to Normandy and Brittany with extended family? Carrie has a lot of good insights for you!

Normandy Cider Route, Episode 236

The port of Honfleur: Normandy cider route episode

Going to Normandy and looking for exciting things to do? Consider driving the Normandy Cider Route and enjoy great cider, poiré, and calvados!

Tips for a Visit to Etretat in Normandy, Episode 231

cliff of Etretat in Normandy with dramatic sea and sky

Thinking about a visit to Etretat? This episode lists all the things you need to know!

Operation Overlord and the Battle of Normandy, Episode 201

operation overlord: historical marker at the Pointe du Hoc

Overview of Operation Overlord and the Battle of Normandy so you can enjoy your visit and be in a position to visualize the amazing feats of courage that took place where you'll be standing.

Is It Possible To Visit The Mont Saint Michel As A Day Trip From Paris? Episode 186

mont saint michel with imagined train tracks going all the way to the mont

You really want to see the Mont-Saint-Michel next time you visit Paris? And you want to do this in one day? Yes it's possible and we explain how in this episode.

Mont Saint Michel Trip Report, Episode 176

overall view of the Mont Saint Michel on a cloudy day

What's the best strategy to visit the Mont Saint Michel in peace? Hint: at times it is so crowded that it's the least attractive place on earth despite its natural beauty!

Mont Saint Michel History, Episode 175

Mont Saint Michel History, the Mont Saint Michel at low-tide

In this episode Elyse and Annie discuss the essentials of Mont Saint Michel history so you can understand some of the complexity of this amazing site, listed as one of the seven wonders of the world.

A Day Trip to Giverny from Paris, Episode 167

Is it easy to get to Giverny from Paris? Yes! Elyse and Annie explain how. On this episode we also explain what do you need to know before you go so you enjoy it to the fullest.

Brittany with Kids Trip Report, Episode 166

Going to Brittany as a family? Matt has some great suggestions for you, several we're sure you've never heard about!

Visiting Normandy with Teenagers, Episode 165

Normandy with Teenagers, Nancy and her son Henry

Ready for a few action-packed days in Normandy with your teenagers? Nancy and her family couldn't spend much time, but they found some great places. Get inspiration by listening to this episode!