When Is the Best Time to Visit France? Episode 74

Categories: First Time in Paris, France How To, French Customs & Lifestyle

This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon.

Friends often ask me, when is the best time to visit France? The obvious response is any time will do, better come at a "bad" time  than not at all! Circumstances often dictate what we're able to do, and if that's the case for you, don't worry about it, you can make any time work.

When Is the Best Time to Visit France?

But let's imagine that you do have a choice. What are some considerations you should keep in mind when making your choice? This is where we get into the weeds of what it's like being in France at a particular time of the year, and yes, we have to admit it: not every week is created equal in France.

Ask Anyone Who Lives in France Year-Round!

We know this because we live here year-round and we get to experience France every day. And the reality is that some days are more conducive to a great vacation than others.

Originally Elyse wasn't scheduled to appear in this episode, but Annie took the opportunity of another recording to "ambush" her and ask her to share her thoughts on this, and, of course, we have diverging opinions, just to keep it interesting!

Things to Consider in Making Your Decision

  • Great fresh food in season
  • French people in a great mood
  • High chances for perfect weather
  • Great opportunities for cultural activities
  • Every venue you might want to visit open to the public
Learn More: First Time in Paris


Discussed in this Episode

  • When to plan your vacation in France
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Categories: First Time in Paris, France How To, French Customs & Lifestyle

3 Replies to “When Is the Best Time to Visit France? Episode 74”

  1. Ladies, I’m a new subscriber and I absolutely love your podcast. I am from the U.S. and was looking for something to take me away from the drudgery of walking the dog for long periods of time along the very same route. If I didn’t have obligations of family and work, I’d be in central Paris all the time. Your podcast helps me feel like I’m in my home away from home. I’m only on Episode 4 and I am looking forward to many more hours of imagining myself in France while I stroll around my suburban neighborhood.

    I haven’t been through your entire catalog yet (I’m looking forward to the surprise!) so you may have already tackled some of these things, but it occurred to me that it would be lovely to hear a podcast of you visiting sites in person – the crypt beneath the plaza outside Notre Dame, and certain parts of the Louvre, the beautiful parks along the Seine, your favorite people-watching spots, etc. I know nothing about the technology required, but I’d love to walk around some of the sites with you. Looking forward to joining you in France by extension, until we make our next trip in person. Thank you sincerely for your efforts!

    1. Welcome to Join Us in France Kristin, glad to keep you walking the dogs, they need it and so do we! I like your suggestion about recording while visiting a place, can’t do it just yet as Elyse and I are going to be doing our own things over the summer, but why not? But it would be 100% unscripted, are you sure you’re ready for that? 😉