Categories: Bordeaux Area, Off the Beaten Track in France
This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon.
In this episode we are going to learn about the "good" king Henry the 4th and his home town of Pau and share with you everything you need to have a great visit to the Chateau of Pau.
Henry IV, a King from the Southwest
Henry the 4th was the ONLY king to be from the south of France (he was a prince and cousin to the royal family ) AND he was born into a Protestant home which meant that to be crowned king he had to give up his religion. Find out all about this hero who was considered to really be a good king, how he became king much to his surprise, and learn a little about the lovely town, Pau where he was born.
A Great Visit to the Chateau of Pau
Perched on the top of a cliff with a FABULOUS view of the Pyrenees mountains which are close by, Pau is charming and makes for a lovely stop along the way as you explore the southwest region and head either to Lourdes or the the Basque country further west.
The castle, recently renovated, is a wonderful example of Medieval and Renaissance architecture, tower, turrets, and furniture included. It is fun to explore and imagine how different life was like when even a king had to worry about heating his home!
Henry the 4th left a lasting imprint on Paris (he was the person who made the Place des Vosges and major parts of the Louvre, but in THIS episode you will hear about his origins and his attachment to his home country in the principality of Bearn.
Learn More: Bordeaux Area
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Show Notes TranscriptCategories: Bordeaux Area, Off the Beaten Track in France