Transcript for Episode 467: The Enchanted World of the Musée des Arts Forains

…and producers of what any kind of goods coming from Germany, coming from the Netherlands, from Belgium, from the Northern parts of Europe. [00:04:33] There were lots of trade routes… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 416: The Life and Times of Jean-François Champollion

The life and times of Champollion episode

…not competing to go on Top Chef. That’s my philosophy, anyway. [00:02:49] Annie Sargent: Take a look at that at The cookbook is at the very top of the… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 266: 3 Common Mistakes Tourists Make in Paris

Woman looking sad that she dropped her ice cream cone: 3 common mistakes tourists make in Paris episode

…three things you might be doing wrong when planning your trip to France. At least these are three things that you should consider when coming to France. That wouldn’t matter… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 376: 12 Days Solo in Paris

…need a mask. To me, this is common sense. Close quarters. Keep a mask on. [00:53:03] Annie Sargent: Two doses of any approved vaccine are enough to come to France,… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 391: Looking for a place to call your own in France

The village of Montolieu at a distance: Looking for a place to call your own in France

…quite a long time, making sure that it was all out. And the power company person told us that crews would come the next day to start repairs. And I… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 392: The Jardin des Plantes in Paris

…I just need to write it up and send you the email. It’s coming. It’s coming, I promise. [00:41:51] Annie Sargent: If you enjoyed this episode, you might also want… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 395: How to Enjoy France on a Student Budget

Josh Taylor relaxing in Carcassonne: France on a student budget episode

…France travel podcast is written, hosted, and produced by Annie Sargent and copyright 2022, by Addicted to France. It is released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-commercial, no derivatives license…. Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 399: Introducing your Partner to France

…mix for us. [00:38:58] Annie Sargent: No, it’s very nice. I agree. [00:39:00] Ready to come back? [00:39:00] Megan McKay: We’re ready to come back. [00:39:01] Annie Sargent: See, that’s… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 405: France with a Baby

…the registration, pay the deposits, where I can keep track of who’s coming and so forth, but it’s a lot of work and I haven’t managed to finish that. I’ve… Continue reading

Transcript for Episode 411: Watching a stage of the Tour de France in France

…the buildup of the caravan coming by. You just see all the energy of the people that have come out to watch the race. [00:07:43] Melinda and Sean Cool: And… Continue reading