Category: French Culture
Annie and Elyse introduce themselves and tell you why you need to be a better tourist!
1:30 Annie and Elyse’s backgrounds.
6:30 Stinky cheese anecdote: Boulette d’Avesnes.
8:40 Why do we podcast? To inspire listeners to take a trip to France. You can listen to the podcast while you plan your trip or while visiting France, which is easier than carrying a guide book around.<!–more–>
10:00 We’ll talk about art, history, food, wine, regional French specialties, style, how to find a good hotel, getting around, customs of French people, specific monuments/places to visit, public transportation, etiquette in restaurants, and much more.
14:00 Give listeners clues how to look at things, how to appreciate works. Help listeners get the most out of their visit. Don’t just “do” the Louvre, experience it, learn the secret stories and things you’ll remember forever.
15:45 Format of the podcast: We are planning on podcasts of 15 to 30 minutes, with occasionally a shorter language or cultural tip. They will all be in the same feed, subscribe to get all of them.
17:00 We may get listeners who want to move to France, we will give them tips, although that’s not the primary purpose of the podcast.
18:00 On you will find links to all the places we mentioned, as well as PDFs for items that need to be looked at rather than listened to, maps, etc.
19:00 Travel good surprises and bad surprises.
21:40 A spoiler about the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral.
25:00 A delightful travel surprise in Le Marais.
27:00 Upcoming podcasts: Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame Cathedral, La Sainte Chapelle.
28:00 Listener Feedback: Please talk back to us! Enter a comment on or leave us a review in iTunes or BOTH
30:00 Musical Credit: Rémy the musical engineer, thank you Rémi!
Thank you for listening to our first podcast. We want to build a community of Francophiles who enjoy travel and want to share tips and recommendations. Please tell us where you live in the comments, we’d love to get to know our audience a little bit!
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Episode PageCategory: French Culture